I just have to say that the layouts that have been sent in to this blog have been truly amazing and the talent out there is sensational!
Judging by the feedback left as either a comment or email, there are many scrapbookers who are very inspired by the quality of work that is being sent in and displayed here. Keep up the great work girls and keep sending those boy layouts in!!
My youngest son is 9 years old and at the age where he still doesn't mind getting his photo taken. He has an awesome personality and it really shines through in photos I have of him.
It is also around this age that boys still like to dress up in their favourite super hero costume (as long as their mates aren't around!!) and they're still quite animated little guys so you'll get some 'silly' pics no doubt as well.
A while back I went to check on my Jack in the bath and found him snorkelling!!
Well I just had to grab the camera and snap away. This is quite an old layout but it's just to show you what I mean by this particular age and their eccentricities, personalities and imaginations.

Last year my husband made the silly mistake of leaving his razor in the bathroom so guess who decided to have a shave?? Yep...Jack!
He nicked his face and didn't tell me at first what he'd done until I asked him but hey...at least he was honest!

It is also around this age that they have founded friendships and are learning about the good 'ol Aussie mateship code and they're probably starting to ask can they have friends over or if they can play at their mates houses. This is a good time to get pics of your boys with their friends. Who knows? Maybe that particular friendship may last many years and I'm sure you're boys will look back fondly on the photo you took of them with that mate when they're old enough to appreciate it. It's a male thing!! LOL

Have a look at these little guys and just see how their personalities shine through in these fantastic layouts:
Nicole Finlayson has sent in a gorgeous selection of layouts that captures the true personality of her son and his friends:

This awesome layout by Connie Hatch shows photos of her boy obviously not satisfied with sitting still for a photo shoot...LOL Love this!!
These 2 layouts sent in by Kylie Bailey are perfect examples of how a simple photo can reflect on a childs true personality:

Aren't they just the cutest??
So get your camera out today girls and snap some photos of your boys showing their true personalities, eccentricities and imaginations. You'll be glad you did!
Please keep submitting your wonderful layouts:
Submit Your Pages
My 'JUST BECAUSE...' layout today is one sent in by Connie Hatch that just made me smile as soon as I opened the email. Fantastic photo and beautifully scrapped.
I have to say, I am SOOO inspired by this site! Having 2 boys, I get a bit tired of all the girly layouts and beautiful pink and purples PP and embellies out there ... I love to see other "boyish" pages and see how others have scrapped their little guys. Love it!!
Oh these are truly great LO's. The "little guys" are having so much fun.
Love, love, love your blog Sharryn.
Thank you.
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