Well again it's been a while since I updated this blog which I apologise for but it's school holidays here at the moment and I can never seem to find the 'right moment' to sit down and blog.
So...on to it.
There has been a fantastic influx of boys layouts for this blog and certainly a lot of inspiration to upload here.
What I have been totally delighted by though, are the layouts featuring boys and their dads or grandfathers.
A fantastic way to record family ties is to get photos of your sons with their dads and their dads dad etc.
We have a photo of our eldest son with my husband, his father and grandfather so it's a 4-generation photo of one line. Priceless!
As a family historian of the past 13 years, I truly value this photo and I'm sure one day my eldest son will too.
Take a look at this wonderful selection of layouts sent in by these very talented ladies:
Sally Mitchell has submitted this fabulous layout with an equally beautiful title...love that title Sally!!
These next two lovely layouts were sent in by Hannah Blair. I love how Hannah has incorporated many photos in this first layout of her man with her boys. Fabulous Hannah!

Check out this next fun layout sent in by Deirdre Heath of her gorgeous little boy and hubby where it shows that dads can have just as much fun as their sons!!
Nicole Finlayson has sent in a stunning layout of her son spending time with his dad. Love the bright colours you've used here Nicole!

Stunning bright colours have also been used to celebrate the relationship between this father and son in this layout submitted by the very talented Michelle Vass.
This layout sent in by Kathie Link shows the precious relationship between her beautiful little boy and his grandfather...oh...and Jak the dog..LOL

Gorgeous layouts girls each and every one of them!
Don't forget to send your layouts in and continue inspiring other scrappers.
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My 'JUST BECAUSE...' layout today is one of the most precious layouts I've ever seen.
Sent in by Nicole Finlayson it really shows the true relationship between a mother and her son. You should be very proud of yourself Nicole...this is one fantstic layout but more importantly one truly special photo.

Just found your blog and I love the concept of celebrating our boys. Some very cool layouts here :)
I found your blog through scrapgeek and am referring it too! I have three teen sons and love the inspiration!
Glad you're liking it girls.
There are some fantastic scrapbookers here who are very generoulsy sharing their gorgeous layouts!
Sharryn :)
I've just come here after visiting Hannah's blog - I'll be a regular..... have 2 boys myself and am loving the total Boy influence going on here! Great stuff!
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