Trust you're weekend has been good to you so far. :)
We are still in the process of drying the boys swags out from camping!!
Actually, thats my husbands job...I'm still washing their clothes!!
Speaking of husbands, how many of you scrap layouts of your DH's? Sometimes those of us with kids focus on scrapping layouts on just our children and neglect to document the lives of our men. They are very important people in our worlds, along with other relatives such as fathers, uncles and grandfathers.
These men deserve a special place in our scrapbooks also, so why not scrap a photo of the man in your life today?
This photo of my husband was taken during his annual leave over the Xmas holidays on a day out at the beach.

I took this photo of my husband on another outing and really loved the reflective look on his face. We weren't doing anything in particular but it just goes to show that some of the best photos you'll take are ones that are not 'posed'.

One morning while checking my email I received one from my father with an attachment and was surprised to find this photo he had sent me of himself being cheeky!
I just had to scrap it then and there to send back to him via email so I scrapped it digitally.

Another very important man in my life is my beloved grandfather who has just turned 89 years old!!
I got some great photos of him not so long ago and scrapped a layout about him, explaining why we call him 'Ocker' and not Pop or Grandpa like most people do.

So you see, the men in our lives are VIP's as well and we'd be lost without them.
Dedicate some time to scrapping about them as well as the other VIP's in your life.
Here are some fabulous layouts submitted by some very talented scrapbookers of the men in their lives:
Charmaine Size has sent in some fantastic layouts of her hubby:

Caroline McLachlan has submitted a fabulous layout of her DH it!

The very talented Nicole Finlayson has also submitted a layout with her DH as the main focus which is a fantastic way to incorporate our hubbies into our scrapbook pages:

Get scrapping your man today!!
Please continue to send in your layouts girls and keep inspiring others.
Submit Your Pages
Sharryn :)
My 'JUST BECAUSE...' share with you today is an awesome mini album sent in by Michelle Perry that she created about her son and his typical 'boy habit' of not being able to keep clean. It is an awesome album and Michelle has done a fabulous job with it.
She has taken photos of all the pages for us and collaged them so we can see them all...thanks Michelle!!

I was having a nosey on the Aussie Pub Calls blog, clicking here and there and was directed to your blog - awesome, inspirational ... there are some stunning layouts ... most impressed!!!
Congratulations. Well done!!!
This blog is Awesome!!
I have 3 boys (9,11 and 14) and am constantly looking for inspiration for 'boy' pages.
All those layouts are just fantastic and will be comming back again :)
FANTASTIC BLOG!!! seeing all those boy layouts!!... I am a mother of one boy... and a girl.. but always seem to have probelms buying scrap products for boy layouts... everything is so girly these days... i love scrapping boy pages and find them so much easlier than girly ones!!!... keep those layouts it!!!
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