Well..Easter is almost upon us and what a better time to get some pics of the boys in your life!
Most of us spend special holidays or celebrations like Easter, Christmas and birthdays with family, and it's the perfect time to give the camera a work out.
These are also the times that kids are mostly likely to be at their happiest and may not mind posing for the camera so much..especially if they know theres a choccie or two in it for them. Hmmmmmmmmm?? LOL
So why not take this as an opportunity to get some great family shots of your boys with their cousins, grandparents, aunts and uncles that you'll be sure to treasure for many years to come.
If you're really keen and organised you could even plan ahead for family shots by organising all family members to wear similar coloured clothing. So if and when you do get that 'perfect' shot of junior and grandpa, you won't have to worry about getting it changed to black and white!
I had quite a few gorgeous layouts sent in of 'babies in brights',
Here are a few to tempt you into scrapping some of your own:
This first layout titled 'Dream' was sent in by the fabulously talented Deirdre Heath. :)
It's a layout of her son as a newborn but scrapped in colours you wouldn't normally see on a newborn layout. Just fabulous!

The very talented Kathie Link has also scrapped some layouts of her gorgeous bub using bright colours. These 2, titled 'Peek a Boo' and 'Busy' are just indicative of what you can achieve by using 'brights' on baby layouts.

Stunning as always Kathie!!
So maybe your boys are a little past the baby stage. We all know teenagers can be very hard to get decent photo of. How do you get around this dilemma?
Take photos of the things they 'do like'!! That's sure to get them interested.
I remember when my eldest son bought his first car and within a week had blown the motor. Grrrrr!! We had to get a whole new motor put in and you wouldn't believe it...he almost did it AGAIN a week after he got it back the second time!!
He had that car for some time and ended up selling it for a newer one but luckily I had taken pics of the poor Datos' life in our house. I'd even taken pics of it on the back of the tow truck on it's way to get a new motor.
So, when Josh sold it, I had enough pics to tell 'The Story of the Dato', which he now looks back on fondly.
(This is a double page layout so I'll have to upload in 2 parts..WARNING: this is an old layout!!...LOL)

Things aren't always smooth sailing for our teenager boys and I think it's a good thing to scrap the 'not so good' times along with the better times. As they get older and look back through your albums, they'll see just how far they've come and realise that what they thought was a major catastrophe in their lives 'back then', really wasn't that bad at all.
I'm sure Mardi Winens' son will do just that in a couple of years when he looks back on this layout titled 'Unfair' scrapped by his fabulously talented mum:

So you see? It's OK to scrap the pics of times when things aren't going right in the lives of our boys.
On that note, I'll leave you with this gorgeous layout from the very talented scrapper Caroline McLachlan titled 'Sulk'. It's a pic of her young boy obviously not having a very good time at all...LOL Enjoy!!

P.S Thanks to everyone who has submitted pages to upload.
Please don't be shy girls...send them in and continue inspiring others with your fantastic boy layouts!!
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Love them all!!! I think I'll be getting a few pages of Sebastian before I get back onto the girly pages, feeling all inspired now! Tatum xx
Very inspiring LO's Sharryn! WTG!
Thanks for a great blog :)
There are some terrific layouts here,,,they are certainly bringing a smile to my face thanks girls:)
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