School holidays are now officially over, although it is Anzac day tomorrow and I'll have the tribe home again!!
That will give me time to fit my two youngest boys in their winter uniforms anyway!!
Speaking of many of you have scrapped your boys school photos?
I'm guilty for having not done this yet..I find school pics a bit like the old generic Pixi Photos I'm sure we all have tucked away somewhere of our kids when they were babies? Somehow they just all look the same!
Drab blues and greys..the same old uniform..same old background..only the child gets older every year.
Hmmm...maybe I'll have to challenge myself to get some out and scrap them?? about we all join in the challenge? Let's inspire each other to get some of those school pics scrapped! Scrap them and submit them to me at the address on the bottom of the page and the winner will receive a prize!
Competition will close on 16th May midnight EST.
Have you ever sat and watched the way little kids take such joy in eating yummy things? They just seem to get it all over their faces and clothes and are totally oblivious to the mess they are creating.
Have a look at these little guys enjoying some treats:
Dee Heath has sent in this layout of her gorgeous little man who has made the biggest mess ever! LOL
The next two fabulous layouts were submitted by Janine Kaye of her little guy having an absolute ball with his yummy treats!

Kylie Bailey has sent in this next cute layout of her newphew enjoying something delicious!

Then there are the not so good times when our young men take the meaning of the saying 'boys will be boys' just that little bit further! Like when they come running inside screaming with blood pouring out of them and you just know that particular scream means a trip to the doctors!!
Which is exactly what happened here in this next layout of my son who was innocently enough playing a game of soccer when he fell on a drink can resulting in his first lot of stitches. :(

The next poor little guy also hurt his knee...but just a little bit differently...LOL
Sent in by Christie Haywood:

Ann Lederhose shares this layout of her little man with another...not so good first for him:

Well thats it for today girls...don't forget the school photos competition!!
Please keep submitting those wonderful layouts girls:
Submit Your Pages
My 'JUST BECAUSE...' layout today is a layout sent in by Dionne Molina who's attitude towards colour is fabulous. Dionne puts gender specific colour aside when scrapping and just scraps how she feels resulting in this stunning layout. Love it Dionne!

1 comment:
Another round of gorgeous boy LO's.
Even the bad things are memories we shouldn't forget!
Love the last one by Dionne. Gorgeous colours and the use of all those flowers, especially on a boys LO. A girl after my own heart. I love using flowers too ;)
TFS these gorgeous LO's with us girls. I really appreciate them and always love the inspiration the bring me.
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