How many hours of your week are taken up by taking your kids to training?
If you're anything like's a lot!!
Our boys all play cricket...indoor and outdoor, so it's a year 'round commitment for us.
One of our sons also plays Representative cricket so during that season...most of our week is spent at training or at his games both Saturday mornings and all day Sunday.
I think I have a photo of every cricket ground in Sydney!!
I'm sure you'll agree though, that when our sons achieve in what they do...whether it be taking a wicket in cricket, scoring a goal in soccer or moving up to the next level in their chosen makes us prouder than punch to watch their little faces light up with pride and a sense of achievement.
In January this year my sons's Rep. cricket team travelled to Newcastle for a 4 day long carnival and not only did he take out the awards for Batting Aggregate, Batting Average, Man of the Match for one of the games...he also received the prestigious Player of the Carnival award! We were so, so proud of him.
I created this layout in the shape of a cricket ball for him:

Take a look at how these proud Mums scrapped the achievements of their sons:
Kim Gelings' children are swimmers (I don't envy the hours you'd put into that Kim..LOL). She has sent in these two gorgeous layouts to share:

Swimming awards are the order of the day in the next two layouts.
Nicole Finlayson has sent in a stunning layout of her son receiving an award:

Julie Hancock submitted a layout of her son receiving awards for Age Champion! Wow..that is an achievement!

Soccer is also a very popular sport among boys as these next two layouts show.
Katja Schneider shares this layout of her little guys love for the game:

Caroline McLachlan's young boy features in this soccer layout:

The greatest game of all...RUGBY LEAGUE..LOL is what Julie Takacs young men play as they are seen here in this layout with their trophies:

The next two layouts show that your boy doesn't have to actually be in a team to get photos of them playing their favourite sport.
Kylie Bailey submitted this layout of her nephew kicking around his footy:

Connie Hatch has created a gorgeous layout of her son having a game of golf:
Connie also shows by these next two layouts that we can create layouts of our boys that reflect the sporting teams they support just by using everyday photos:
Another way of documenting your boys' love of sports is by creating a layout of him at an actual sporting event as shown in this layout sent in by Hannah Blair:

Gorgeous layouts girls...thanks so much for sharing!
Don't forget to keep submitting your layouts:
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My 'JUST BECAUSE....' LO today is one sent in by Dee Heath of her gorgeous little boy doing not much at all really but I'd love to know what he's thinking! He's such a cutie...thanks for sharing Dee!
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