I attended a cyber crop on the weekend at Scrap N Crazy that went all weekend.
On the Saturday night I was busy playing Bingo and trying to keep up with all the chat and challenges so was back and forth from my computer to my scrapping desk which is just one step away from each other.
Each time though I had to step over my boys and as I was in 'the scrapping zone' I was quite oblivious to what they were doing. Oh sure..I knew they were playing with their toys but I wasn't taking much notice what they were playing.
So I stopped for a minute and listened to what they were saying and doing.
Their MASSIVE toybox is directly behind the computer and when I stopped what I was doing to watch it suddenly hit me just how many kids I have!! LOL
OMG...there was one IN the toybox...one UNDER my scrapping table and two to my immediate right! They were like Gremlins...they were just EVERYWHERE!! I'm sure at some stage of my life I've fed one after midnight or spilt water on one of them and they've just multiplied!!
Anyway...they were playing 'hunting' with their utes and toy dogs that they have and each of them had their own seperate campsite...which is why they were all over the place.
God love 'em. )
I've noticed a lot of the layouts being sent in are of boys of all ages...and their toys. No matter how small or big...boys will always have their toys.
Here is a huge selection of layouts from some very talented scrappers and the boys in their lives with their toys...from babies to grown men.
The first 2 layouts were sent in by Kathie Link. Already her gorgeous little man is playng with his favourite toys:

Bikes have always been a big hit with boys and these guys are no exception!
Tammy Templeton shares this layout of her little guy on his first bike:

These next two layouts were sent in by Michelle Vass of her young man and his set of wheels:
Julie Hancock has submitted this next layout of her lucky little boy with his shiny new bicycle:

Leah Littlehales shares this layout of her little dudes and their bikes:

Blowing bubbles has always been a fun pastime... as shown by these next two gorgeous layouts.
This first one was sent in by Hannah Blair:

Kylie Bailey shares this next layout of her nephew having fun with bubbles:

I love the concept of the next three layouts. They have been created with the toys as the main theme of the layout with an additional pic of the scrappers' boys taking a back seat to the actual toys. This is a great way to remember what toys your boys were interested in as children and also a fabulous way to showcase the selection of toys they own.
Michelle Vass submitted this awesome layout of her sons love of the Thomas the Tank range of trains:
Sally Mitchell created a fabulous layout with her sons love of Bob the Builder in mind and another with his other favourite toys in mind:

If you don't have a photo of your boy playing with his favourite toys..that's not a problem!! This layout submitted by Natalie Hearn shows that you can still scrap about your sons playthings without even having a picture of him doing it!! Fantastic Natalie!
This next layout is an 'opposite' of the one above...with a photo of the child and a list of his favourite toys. Submitted by Vicki Brunner, this is a fantastic way of scrapping about her sons' love of toys without photos of them!

This next gorgeous layout just goes to show that little boys are born fathers. Submitted by Hannah Blair:

Now what would a childhood be for a boy without a water gun? These things seem to never go 'out of fashion' or 'age'..they only seem to get bigger and better..(and more expensive!!).
Check out these next two fab layouts...the first one submitted by Kim Ogden:

Kylie Bailey shares the next stunning layout with us:

The next two layouts show that no matter how old our boys get...they never outgrow toys!
This fabulous layout submitted by Kerrie Lloyd shows her sons' new toy...his first car!

Karen Haywood shares this layout of the man in her life enjoying his big boys toy:

So you see...no matter how old our guys get...they just get more expensive!! LOL
Please continue to submit your fabulous pages:
Submit Your Pages
P.S Many of you don't have 'school age' boys so I will be accepting pre-school or Kindy photos for the 'Scrap your boys school photos' competition. Also, if you have submitted a layout of your child either graduating or in school uniform before the competition started...I have automatically placed that layout in the competition.
My 'JUST BECAUSE...'LO was only submitted to me today and it instantly took my eye! Not only for the gorgeous pic but for the fabulous pun used in the title. This layout was sent in by Julie Takacs. Fantastic Julie!!

Gorgeous LO's today :)
I love Kathie Links idea of doodling a little picture aobut what her DS is looking at ;)
Fantastic layouts... so many amazing boy layouts out there... heaps of ideas running though my head...lol...
better get scrapping....
Hi Sharryn!
Can you let me know more about the school photo comp?
Thanks :)
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