Our HONORABLE MENTION this month comes from...

The winner of the $20.00 Voucher from GREATEST VIEW is...

The winner of the JOYFUL SCRAPS $20.00 Voucher is...

Do you want to be part of a creative and inspiring team of scrapbookers who get to showcase one of their unique layouts each month???
Your STB Creative Team term will start from March and run through to the end of August 2012, with the option of continuing for a futher 6 months.
@ Scrap The Boys you will be required to create 1 layout a month based on selected criteria, you will need to vote on readers entries and comment on their layouts when and where possible, you will also need to advertise STB on your blog or FB page and any online forum that you are allowed to!!
If this seems like you, all you need to do to apply is the following...
Send in two layouts...
1) That best represents you as a scrapbooker
2) Create a challenge for STB and create your layout on your challenge requirements *Please note that your challenge may be used in the future for STB.
As well as emailing me the above layouts, you will need to provide a short bio about yourself, that you will be happy to see on the STB blog if you are successful and a photo to use on the site.
Entries close JANUARY 31st with successful applicants notified within 24 - 48 hours, you will then have until February 28th to create your March challenge...
Please email applications to: scraptheboys@hotmail.com
Wow, thank you very much I am so please to be your hourable mention.
Oh WOW! So excited to be named one of the winners. Thank you so much!!!
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