“Real Men (or Boys) don’t…”
Whether you have heard the saying or not I would like you to take inspiration from the saying “real men don’t eat quiche” for this months layout.
Basically I would like you to create a layout capturing your boys doing things that may be the most masculine…so a little bit on the "girly" side...you know maybe it is a secret thing for pink, them in some girly dress-ups, makeup, flowers in there hair… we all have those photos that you think “hmmm that will be a good one for their 21st birthday party…lol”
Anyway now is the time to drag them out and put them on paper…If you don’t have any photos maybe you could journal about it instead…document it before it is forgotten.
Criteria is to start your title with “real men (or boys) don’t….” (mind pink; look bad in heels…etc)
Sorry for the delay in posting this ...I hope you all have fun and I can’t wait to see your layouts.
Creative team Reveal:
Amy Welch - Real boys love teddy bears 
Anna Koziarek - Real boys don't care about the haircut 
Aphra Boyler - Real men don't mind pinkHannah Blair - Real men don't mind dressing up! 
Hayley Turner - Real boys don't need bibs Kerryn Fry - Real Boys don't mind satin 
Leanne Triggs - Real Boys don't do frilly shower caps Wendy Smith - Real boys look good in a dress
Linda Eggleton - Real Men Don't feel any Shame... 
Monique Follet - Real Boys pick flowers 
Nahdrah Maidin - Real Boys don't ... 
Pia Lopez - Real boys don't shop? 
Wendela Lam
Woohoo...great LO DTs!
"Lovely" layouts! I couldn't help but laugh at some of the photos - they are cute, adorable and funny! I wonder what our sons will say if they see these years from now! (just a thought)
Love the LO's ladies and what a cute challenge!!! I will have to put my thinking cap on for this one!!!! :)
they are fabulous...well done in thinking outside the "BOY" square for this one DT
cant wait to see what the others make of it!
they are fabulous...well done in thinking outside the "BOY" square for this one DT
cant wait to see what the others make of it!
What an honor to be a part of this group....DT you knocked it out of the park!!!
fab interpretation Girls!!! we rock ;)
beautiful work girls!!!
Awesome job girls, I love the different interpretations!!
I have the perfect photo for this one!
Well, I actually scrapbook only boys, so I have several layouts taking this approach! great challenge! thanks alphra for sending me to this blog...i love it and it will give me inspiration when scrapbooking my boys, i get in a rut sometimes!
Great take on this challenge CT girls...love what you've all come up with - and loved the little giggle some of them gave me...lol.
Looking forward to see what everyone else comes up with!
What beautiful los DTs! You all rocked this challenge. Must try this challenge soon. I know I have the photos...
Love all the different interpretations of this challenge, girls!!! What a great start....
ooooh ... hahahaha ... this is so much fun - I have just the right pictures for this. Great LOs ladies :o)
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