Hi everyone,
Well it seems that all I've done in the last few posts is apologise for not updating the blog regularly and again..I'm sorry.
Life has just got in the way big time over the past month or so and I just haven't had time to keep up with everything I have going.
I have just taken over Secretary of my boys' cricket club, as well as being Secretary of their high schools' P & F and also Secretary of the primary schools Mothers Club. The cricket club has taken over a HUGE part of my life, but it's a learning curve and a challenge. I must say though, I LOVE a challenge and I'm enjoying it, but it is a very period seeing as though the season starts this weekend.
However, now that I seem to be back on track, I will endeavour to keep the blog up to date. If you have sent me layouts and emails, please know that I have them and will reply to each and every one of them soon.
Seeing as though sport is playing such a major role in my life at the moment, I thought I'd share these fabulous layouts sent in by some very talented scrappers of their boys in their various sporting teams or just out there having fun.
Kim Geling has submitted this gorgeous layout of her son skimboarding:

Lyn Wood shares the next two fantastic layouts of her son playing Lacrosse:

The next two layouts have been sent in by Julie Hancock, showing her sons award for cross country running and the other playing footy:

Maureen McGlynn shares the next two (one is a double) fantastic layouts of her son playing T-Ball:

Mistra Hoolihan sent in this gorgeous layout of her son playing mini golf:

This next fabulous layout was submitted by Jessica Salber of her boy ten pin bowling:

The next two awesome layouts have been subitted by Donna Coddrington. One of her son rock climbing and the other of her boy doing archery:

Leone Karzon shares this next great layout of her son with his swimming award:

So thank you girls for sending in those awesome layouts to share with everyone!
Please keep submitting your layouts:
Submit Your PagesMy 'JUST BECAUSE...' LO today was sent in by the very talented Lucinda Griffin of her son playing...what else??? But CRICKET!! Thanks Lucinda :)