Tuesday 16 September 2014

August Winners

I have loved seeing all the profiles of your boys, and reading about their quirks and funny sides, and we had some fabulous entries.

The winner from the PROFILING challenge are:

Katie Howard

CONGRATULATIONS: You have won a Prize pack from D-lish Scraps

SHOP - http://d-lishscraps.openstores.com.au/index.html

BLOG - http://d-lishscraps.blogspot.com.au/?m=0

FB page- https://www.facebook.com/DlishScraps?fref=ts clip_image002[4]


CONGRATULATIONS you have won a Scrapbooking from Scratch $20 voucher


FB- https://www.facebook.com/pages/Scrapbookingfromscratchcom/133134840036146

BLOG- http://scrapbookingfromscratch.blogspot.com.au/ clip_image002


Please contact me with your details to forward onto the sponsors… either on FB https://www.facebook.com/pages/Scrap-the-Boys/  or on our email scraptheboys@hotmail.com


We love to hear from you and thank you for the time you have taken to comment on this post