Sunday 9 September 2012


Well after some time working out how to capture the screen shot of the random draw image (thanks Emma Allen! ) we have our winners and Honorable Mention for the month of AUGUST!

* If the winners and HM winner can please email me asap at:

Our Honorable Mention this month and winner of a Guest CT spot is...

Sarah Groen - NZ

Our RANDOM winner of the month who wins...

The Scrap Therapy $25.00 voucher is...

Amanda Taylor...

The winner of one of BOYS RULE KITS is...

Vanessa W...


  1. Congratulation to all the winners aisni that all participants.
    Excellent work including those of children. ;)

  2. Awww they are all so adorable!!
    Well to the three winners, all very mich deserve it!! :)

  3. Thank you so much, this was such a great challenge to participate in. Love all the great works of art from the kids & grown ups!

  4. OMGosh thanks so much for picking my LO as a fav. I am thrilled!!!!This was such a great challenge!


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