I am over the moon at the response we had last month on both our challenges…there are loads of very talented boy scrappers out there…and I feel very privileged that you have supported the blog and shared your beautiful layouts here. I especially want to thank those of you that are playing along from overseas as your work is inspiring and I know it is less tempting to share when you are not in the running for the prizes …so keep them coming:) Now for the challenge ….
I don’t know about you but I know I really struggle to put flowers on a boy page so the first challenge for August is to scrap a layout using flowers …to make it a little easier I will allow this one to be of you and your boy/s… Or if you can’t come at flowers …scrap about their feminine sides… or if you are feeling very clever… use both criteria.
This month our team was supplied with a fabulous pack of boy embellishments from one of our sponsors My 2 Angels and here is what our talented team put together for this challenge…
Once you have created your “In Touch With His…” layout for August...upload it to your personal blog or an online gallery and then using the “linky” tool below please follow the prompts and create your thumbnail link back to your layout here.
Please when you leave your name also pop your country…ie. Susan Longman – AUS…
Then we will pop over to your blog, have a looksee and leave some love… to be in the running for the prize you are required to have your layouts linked by the end of the month. (All prizes are strictly for Australian residents only due to shipping…if we are able to secure international sponsorship I will post in the forthcoming challenges.)
Link your layout here...
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