Apologies AGAIN...been extremely busy and had sick kids for the past couple of weeks.
My niece is expecting her first baby anytime this week and we are all so excited. My DH and I will become GREAT aunty and uncle...wow that makes me feel old just saying it. I can't wait to get some pics of this new bubba!!
Today I will share with you some absolutely GORGEOUS layouts from some very talented scrappers of their adorable babies. I've said it before and I'll say it again...us scrappers have the most beautiful children. :)
Kathie Link has sent in these two lovely layouts:

This next adorable layout is shared by Jane Logan:
Natalie Hearn has submitted this gorgeous layout:
Sharon Suchoronczak has sent in this stunning collection of layouts:

This next cute layout is shared by Nicole Pomeroy:
Love this beautiful double layout submitted by Jessica Salber:

Claire Daly shares this lovely layout:

This next cute layout was submitted by Karen Day:

Have a look at this fun layout sent in by Deanne Burton! Love it. :
Naomi Elswyk shares this cute layout:

Thank you girls for these gorgeous layouts of your special little guys. :)
Please keep sending your layouts in:
Submit Your Pages
My 'JUST BECAUSE...' LO today was another stunning layout from the extremely talented Sharon Suchoronczak. This is just gorgeous Sharon!