Monday 11 June 2007

'Old boys'

Good morning everyone...I hope you're enjoying the long weekend!

Due to serious illness in the family I have been unable to update this blog and apologise for the delay. My gorgeous grandfather has had a stroke but is coming along nicely and will soon enter rehab. He is 89 years old and an absolute legend and we all love him very much.

This is a layout I completed of him some time time ago.

Such a sweetie!

Here are some layouts that have been sent in by some very talented girls of the 'older boys' in their lives:

Kylie Bailey submitted this beautiful layout of her this Kylie!

This next fabulous tribute layout was sent in by Wendy Gaskin of her hero:

Kim Ogden shares this gorgeous layout with us:

This next stunning layout was submitted by Karen Brierley:

Hannah Blair has submitted this lovely layout to share:

Thanks girls for your gorgeous submissions of layouts created of the 'old boys' in your lives.
Please keep submitting your beautiful pages to share and inspire others:
Submit Your Pages

N.B As I've been busy running back and forth to the hospital I do have a few emails to answer so if you've submitted please bare with me until I get back to you.

My 'JUST BECAUSE...LO' today is a stunning layout sent in by the very talented Kerrie Lloyd. Love this Kerrie...the photo is fantastic and you've scrapped it beautifully! Thanks for sharing:


  1. LOL, my Dad would be horrified if he knew he was being called an "old boy" ... he is only 52 ;-)

    Some great pages here though.

    Sharryn I'm sorry to hear about your grandfather's stroke. I hope his recovery will be smooth and quick. ((HUGS))

  2. God love him Hannah...LOL
    Well tell him I said 'almost' an old boy then!!
    Thanks for hugs.
    Sharryn :)

  3. Sorry to hear about your grandfather Sharryn. i hope he recovers quickly and is back to his old sprightly self soon :)
    Take care

  4. Sharryn, so sorry to hear abour your grandfather. Best wishes to him for a apeedy recovery.

  5. I am so sorry to hear about your Grandfather Sharryn, I hope he gets better ASAP. Sending you super duper (((((HUGGS))))).

    Tracy x

  6. Sorry I forgot to add... Gorgeous pages girls!!! Totally inspirational :)

    Tracy x

  7. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your grandfather, Sharryn.


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